Welcome to to the “JESUIT UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK!” You all APPLIED to attend this prestigious Catholic university as opposed to NYU or Columbia. The student body, and alumni, don’t expect ANY student organization to change ANY university policy of this nature. Your time on campus is limited, and a privilege. You signed-up for a Catholic University, knowing full well, in advance of its policies, and health care offerings.
I understand that birth control pills are used for other medical conditions. Need medical attention? Use your parents’ insurance. Find a doctor in NYC to prescribe birth control and get the Rx filled across Fordham Road! Pay the co-pay. Ob/GYN services are NOT available on campus! Want to buy condoms? Walk across Fordham Road and spend your OWN money.
Get over it kids. The university is there to educate you, not coddle you. Be satisfied that you are permitted to have an organization the likes of SAGES on campus! Nice photo of the backs of the “incensed” protestors heads by the way. how about uploading some of their faces? After all, they were in PUBLIC. C’mon RAM staff!
Note: The Author is an Alumni whose father is an Alumni and whose daughter is a student.