Students React to Possible Surveillance of Alpha House



Lax security in Alpha House has been a recent source of concern on campus. (Photo by Drew DiPane/The Ram)

Lax security in Alpha House has been a recent source of concern on campus. (Photo by Drew DiPane/The Ram)

Fordham University prides itself on having well-guarded buildings. For example, in every residence hall after 10 p.m., there will be always be a security officer stationed at the door. The entrance to the gym has a guard staffed during all hours of operation. But Alpha House, the Rose Hill Honors House, with the secrets and rumors that swirl around among people outside the program, does not. In fact, Alpha House is the only building on campus that does not have a security guard or cameras.

The Office of Safety and Security expressed concerns about students’ safety in Alpha House, especially due to the lack of a security guard or camera. Currently the headquarters for students enrolled in the Honors Program at Fordham College at Rose Hill, Alpha House consists of a classroom and study space. All honors students receive a key that gives them access to the building 24 hours a day and seven days a week for purposes of academic enhancement and collaborative study. As a result, the Office of Safety and Security met with students on Sept. 25 to reiterate the expectations for the usage of Alpha House and discuss safety concerns.

John Carroll, associate vice president of safety and security, said that he met with Honors students and “discussed the concerns held by the Office of Safety and Security as related to the Alpha House.” Carroll believed that “the students seemed extremely willing to take responsibility for the Alpha House and establish a code of conduct among themselves in order to ensure that usage is strictly limited to collaborative academic pursuit.”

Alpha House is the only non-staffed building on the Rose Hill campus occupied after 11 p.m., which the Office of Safety and Security does not believe is ideal for fire safety issues and security concerns. The Office of Safety and Security plans on sending a group of security patrol leaders every few hours to Alpha House to ensure that it is not being misused, and that students remain safe and secure during their time there.

“Our top priority is the safety and security of the students,” Carroll said. “[The office] will be dispersing security patrol leaders to go around the Alpha House and ensure that students are utilizing the space for the intended purpose and not to host parties. Ultimately, we just want to make sure that the students are safe.”

Another option that the Office of Safety and Security is considering is the option of placing cameras at the entrance of Alpha House. However, the office is only allowed to place cameras where there exists no expectation of privacy, such as a campus entrance.

Since Alpha House consists of a classroom and a study area, the Office and Safety and Security, in collaboration with the Office of Academic Affairs, is in the process of determining whether cameras should be placed in Alpha House and from which source the funding for cameras would originate.

“In order for cameras to be funded by the Security office’s budget, they must be installed in locations where there is no inherent expectation for privacy, such as in the campus gates facing Fordham Road and Southern Boulevard,” Carroll said. “At that point, it would be the decision of the Office of Academic Affairs in terms of funding and installation. We are working with them to determine the details of the security cameras, since the Alpha House is used both as a study lounge and a classroom environment.”

Matthew Mcgowan, director of the honors program at Fordham College Rose Hill, does not know the status of the installation and budget allocation for the security cameras.

“[The Office of Academic Affairs] is working with the Security office to determine whether or not cameras will be placed,” Mcgowan said. “If we place the cameras, they will be in the entrances and not in the academic spaces. We are unsure as to where the funding is coming from in terms of installing cameras. It is always a concern after the semester begins and that is something that we have to consider moving forward.”

Carroll denied the rumors spreading around the Fordham student community that Alpha House would close if cameras were unable to be installed due to budgetary constraints.

“Our intention is to consider the students’ best interests and safety,” Carroll said. “We are not trying to restrict the use of the Alpha House in any way and are definitely not looking to negatively impact students’ abilities to collaborate, study and work together.”

Mcgowan also refuted the rumors about Alpha House closing due to the concerns of the Office of Safety and Security and lack of budget for potential security cameras.

“The Alpha House will not be closing, as it is a great resource for the Honors Program,” Mcgowan said. “[Alpha House] is considered one of the building blocks of the scholarly community and we are happy to have the privilege and cherish it. The whole of the FCRH Honors Program has worked and will continue to work closely with the Office of Safety and Security to ensure our students’ safety.”

Many students are supportive and receptive of the Office of Safety and Security and Office of Academic Affairs’ concerns for student safety in the Alpha House.

“I understand the concerns that the security office has with the Alpha House being open 24/7 without a guard present,” Craig Domeier, FCRH ’14, said. “The current plan to install security cameras to monitor the doors but not the study and community space inside seems reasonable.”

However, students also believe that security concerns about Alpha House relate to the dearth of a 24-hour study space for the entire Fordham student community.

“Since the Alpha House is the only study area open to exclusively Honors Program students 24/7, the obvious solution is to keep Walsh Library open through the night,” Domeier said. “Having a space like the Alpha House to study and work with my peers at all hours has enhanced my experience in the Honors Program. I think all Fordham students should have access to such a space.”

“While the Security office’s concerns are extremely valid, I believe that this issue sheds light on the need for a 24-hour study space for all students,” Elizabeth Green, FCRH ’14, said. “I think it’s time to reevaluate the library’s hours.”


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