Lenny Books Push the Envelope from the Bookshelf

Lena Dunham makes feminism accessible and entertaining in her new book series. (Jordan Strauss/AP)

Lena Dunham makes feminism accessible and entertaining in her new book series. (Jordan Strauss/AP)

By Emma Carey

There were Brangelina, TomKat and Kimye; and then, there was Lenny. While the uni-named duo of Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner is not Hollywood’s next power couple, sparks have certainly flown this past year since the creators of HBO’s “Girls” took their creative chemistry to the web. Aimed at entertaining and educating young women everywhere, Dunham and Konner’s “Lenny Letter” uses its bi-weekly email newsletter format to discuss “Feminism, Style, Politics, Friendship & More.”

In March 2016, just six months after its launch, Vogue reported that the “Lenny Letter” had already gained a whopping 40 thousand subscribers with a 65 percent open rate. Next, it hits the bookshelves.

While Dunham and Konner’s innovative web approach likely aided their mass popularity among millennial females, Dunham admitted that their entrance into the world of publishing was inevitable. “While we love our home on the Internet,” Dunham said to BuzzFeed, “Jenni and I are both voracious readers who are constantly trading titles and allowing them to stir us creatively. Our friendship often doubles as a book club.”

Lenny Books will be a new publishing imprint at Random House, who released a statement regarding plans to work with Dunham, Konner and the editors of Lenny to ensure that the books are “a home for the kinds of exciting, emerging voices—in fiction and nonfiction—that Dunham and Konner are already attracting and publishing so successfully.”

Of course, as many “Lenny” lovers know, this will not be Dunham’s first go at publishing in print. Dunham’s memoir, also published by Random House, titled “Not That Kind of Girl,” became a number one New York Times bestseller and gained her massive kudos as an author. Not too shabby for her first published piece, especially after already gaining recognition as a writer, actor and producer.

It makes sense for Dunham to add one more notch to her resume as publisher, a move she seems to be extremely passionate about.

These precious pieces of purse cargo are slated to drop in late 2017. Judging by “Lenny’s” revolutionary track record thus far, these books will be a must-have for feminists, females and book-lovers alike.


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