Executive President
Aileen Reynolds
FCRH ’14
Executive Vice President
Brendan Francolini
GSB ’14
Main platform goals: Investigating planning and hiring committees throughout the University to ensure that the student perspective is consistently represented and considered where appropriate; Following the implementation of a new dining services contract by remaining in contact with key administrators and analyzing student reception to the changes made throughout the year; Working with OSL&CD to expedite student organizations’ ability to put on programs
Vice President of Finance
Muhammad Hussein Sarwar
GSB ’14
Proposing a structured way through which student groups can seek monetary cosponsorship from USG
Vice President of Operations
Sera Yoon
FCRH ’14
Revitalizing the bond between Fordham and the Bronx, and ameliorate fellowship in the Fordham community.
Vice President of Student Life
Emily Rochotte
GSB ’14
Advocating to enhance the House Committee as a resource for clubs seeking to appeal administrators’ decisions to deny or modify proposed events, in accordance with The Report on Speech and Expression of Student Groups Proposal
Mike Meehan
FCRH ’14
Revitalizing Fordham Week and make it more community centric, giving it a “Community” Theme and adding a new program, called Hallympics, where all the residents and commuters compete in athletic competitions, thus building community
Vice President of Communications
Bridget Fox
FCRH ’14
Condensing the audio recording into a 5minute podcast that summarizes the important parts of the meeting, making it extremely simple for students, professors, and administrators to know exactly what is going on with USG
Matthew Gillis
GSB ’14
Proposing a USG YouTube account which will feature video recordings of every single USG meeting. This way, students who are not able to attend the meetings are able to stay informed with the minutes.
Vice President of GSB
Nevin Kulungara
GSB ’15
Creating an atmosphere at Gabelli that encourages students to start their own businesses that can flourish on campus through the support of fellow Fordham students.
Vice President of Health and Security
Katie Peachman
FCRH ’15
Improving the smoking policy on campus by designating smoking areas around campus are a great solution and compromise to the current policy the university has in place.
Vice President of FCRH
Emily Horihan
FCRH ’14
Advertising the work of Fordham College Dean’s Council via tabling, fliers and email in order to foster knowledge about the council and increase membership.
GSB 2014
John Tresler
GSB ’14
Collecting Review of GSB 2014 opinions on the Core and things in Track 2 that should be kept in Gabelli and not phased out
Joseph Lauberth
No platform posted
FCRH 2014
Stephen Ross
FCRH ’14
Planning to work with Alumni Services to think of creative ways to help the class of 2014 meet with young alumni as we plan our transition
Anthony Gatti
FCRH ’14
Moving forward with the “Bike Share” program and expand it to include permission for biking on campus and the addition of bike lanes.
Tara Cuzzi
FCRH ’14
Increasing communication between Rose Hill and Lincoln Center regarding events and opportunities that all students can become involved in
Matthew Freeze
FCRH ’14
Working to further improve the club budget process by changing the way money is allocated and increasing the amount of money available
Briana Rotello
FCRH ’14
Increasing student involvement and making Fordham more student friendly
GSB 2015
Victoria Affrunti
GSB ’15
No platform posted
Caroline Reichert
GSB ’15
Empower student entrepreneurship ventures by providing more visibility and marketing opportunities on campus
FCRH 2015
Sarah Skrobala
FCRH ’15
Creating a handicap accessible map, continue to urge the importance of renovating Collins Hall, advertise a consistent shuttle route around campus, and get a handicap accessible shuttle for the Rose Hill campus.
Harrison Pidgeon
FCRH ’15
Planning to change the policy regarding break stay to make it easier and more accessible for underclassmen to stay on campus in a res hall.
Alyssa Marino
FCRH ’15
Coming up with a communication system to get the word out about elections to voters and potential candidates alike. The more informed the public is about USG, the election process, and the candidates, the better suited they are to make a decision of who to vote for
GSB 2016
Thomas Roemer
GSB ’16
Working to eliminate curfews on guests from other residence halls along with other unnecessary restrictions on the privileges of Fordham students
Tiffany Yang
GSB ’16
Fortifying our Ram Pride. School spirit is essential in uniting our student government. It can only get better from here with pep rallies, spirit week events, and even class competitions.
Travis Navarro
GSB ’16
No platform posted
FCRH 2016
Duncan Magidson
FCRH ’16
Working together on enabling the vending machines across campus to accept DCB (the money included in your meal plan) in addition to cash and credit cards
Ashley Domagola
FCRH ’16
Creating a central system of communication, such as a comprehensive calendar, could alleviate the frustration and the confusion experienced by many students on a regular basis
Anish Assim
FCRH ’16
Continuing my work to extend the add-drop period for all students in Fordham College and expand the use of student ID cards