Dear Frustrated,
I see what you’re saying; he wouldn’t be yelling at you if he didn’t care. However, ex territory is dangerous. You don’t seem like you had the healthiest relationship if you both felt the need to keep things bottled up for so long. I agree that you should try not to let anything get to your head, just keep having fun for now. If you and him ever do get to talk, maybe you should agree to tell each other when things are bothering you so that that doesn’t happen again. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, then just tell him the things that would bother you if he did them. It’s obvious you still have feelings for him, aand it seems that he might still have feelings for you too so, be careful. You can miss somebody and not want him or her in your life anymore. Just look out for yourself.
Good luck.
Dear Emma,
A boy I was talking to over the summer from home recently started texting me again. We stopped talking because we were both going back to school, which was fine, but one day he just stopped answering! It made me furious. Now that we are going to be home again for the summer, he wants to start seeing me again. What’s your advice?
Sincerely, Ugh
Dear Ugh,
That’s exactly what it sounds like. This guy sounds like he talks to girls when it’s convenient for him, and now that you’re fitting in his schedule again, he’s contacting you. If you were to talk to him again, he’d probably do the same thing that he did last year. Since that hurt you last year I don’t think you should. If I were you, I’d say something to him about not answering you in the fall. Tell him that you don’t want to talk to him now, and be firm, because he’s most likely going to try and use that as an angle to continue talking. If you’re set on not getting hurt again, tell him to go away!
Good Luck.
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