Once you have targeted your flaws design an incremental plan to correct them — do not tackle all things at once because if can be overwhelming and discouraging. If you are unhappy with your love life and it has become a disaster, take some time off. If you are holding a grudge towards an ex or other person, cut that person out of your life by letting go of hard feelings and moving on. This may be hard, but you are making only yourself miserable. Often indifference with someone or something you do not like is a good place to be. If your flaws cannot be fixed, learn to embrace them.
2) Find what is unique and special about you and cultivate it.
If you are really good at singing, dancing or telling jokes then do it! If where you are from has a unique cultural tradition immerse yourself in it. Do not be embarrassed of what makes you special. If there is something that you love about your week, then make it bigger and include your friends. These actions should make you proud to be who you are. Never let others discourage you from being different, and surround yourself with friends who support your wildest hopes and dreams. Finding what is unique about yourself can be difficult, but is ultimately very satisfying.
3) Figure out your short and long term goals and make plans to achieve them.
Knowing that you are working towards something gives you purpose and from purpose comes a feeling of self-worth. Set goals in small, achievable steps and do not be discouraged when they may not work out. Often goals can be achieved in a variety of ways, so just because one path does not lead to a personal victory does not mean it is impossible any other way. When you reach your goals, the feeling of success bolsters self-confidence and contributes to your overall self-worth and image. Nothing worth working for is ever easy.
4) Go to the gym and eat healthy.
A healthy body will contribute to a positive attitude. Exercise will kick start your endorphins and help you have a more positive self-image. Eating healthy can prevent aches and help you feel better overall. Also, eating on a regular schedule can help regulate your sleep schedule and make you feel more well-rested. The old saying “from a sound body comes a sound mind” is very accurate. When you look and feel better physically, you will mentally.
5) Listen to music while walking across campus.
It may seem like the most simple step on the list, but popping in your headphones and choosing a playlist that makes you feel like you’re about to take over the world could easily be the most important step on this list. Nothing is like walking across campus with a smile on your face while jamming to a classic that you know all the words to. Filling your ears with upbeat, positive music can help you love yourself and the world around you and start your day off on a good note.