In recent years, many Western men have turned toward the East in their search for beautiful, loyal wives. As culture wars rage in countries such as the US, Canada, and the UK, young people are disgruntled with the opposite sex and are now seeking partners abroad.
The best way to start your bachelor journey is by using specialized mail-order bride sites where you can easily find your wife overseas. Of course, you can also visit some of these places and meet your future wife by visiting clubs and bars as well as attending singles events.
In this guide, we share some tricks that will help you find brides online. We will specifically focus on online and offline dating and what it takes to be successful with foreign ladies.
How to Find Foreign Brides Overseas?
The two main methods to find your wife are by using online dating websites and by meeting them in person. As many of these ladies were brought up to be conservative, they’ll be more than happy to marry you after a short dating. This is especially true for those who come from impoverished countries and regions.
Online Dating
1. Find a website
When they first start looking for mail-order brides, most people don’t understand the importance of selecting a reliable, reputable international dating website to find a wife online like BridesUniverse. However, as you’ll soon realize, the choice of website can have a major impact on your overall experience and satisfaction.
Many of these platforms specialize in a specific group or ethnicity so you have sites such as ColombiaLady or AsianMelodies. Depending on what you’re looking for, you’ll give advantage to one site over another.
You also need to consider reliability. A common theme for international dating websites is that they have bots that start interactions with guys. Many of them also have ludicrous pricing policies that will drain your wallet in no time.
2. Create a profile
Similar to regular online dating, people who use for-marriage sites need to create great profiles to have success on these platforms. Images, in particular, play a major role in how ladies perceive you. As usual, good looking women will usually scrape from the top, giving advantages to handsome, young guys.
Other important information includes marital status, kids, religion, and profession. Most ladies are interested in how much you earn, so it’s vital that you give them some sort of indication that you’re well-off. You should also disclose what you expect from the future wife.
3. Have patience
Many men underestimate the complexity of international online dating. The first thing you need to remember is that these ladies risk a lot by even talking to you. The prospect of going to another country and leaving everything behind is quite scary, especially for women. As if that wasn’t enough, they also have to marry a stranger from a completely different culture.
You need to respect this fact and give these ladies as much time as they need. It is much better for the marriage if you develop sincere emotions toward each other. Of course, you might also expect some delays because you’re unable to find the right girl for you.
4. Be open minded
Western guys often perceive dating with mail-order brides as a type of transaction. They falsely presume that just because they have money, desperate girls will line up to meet them. This can’t be farther from the truth.
As with most other types of dating, the person’s value is formed based on demand and supply. Unfortunately for guys, there are so many of them on these platforms, while ladies are still a minority. You need to put your best foot forward just to get a few connections.
That being said, you should probably be open-minded and even lower your standards. You should, first and foremost, gauge potential bachelorettes based on your physical appearance. Even if you’re a good, smart guy, these things don’t translate that well through the screen, so your options will mostly be affected by your appearance.
Offline Dating

1. Organize a longer vacation
Some people purposefully visit these countries looking for a suitable wife. If you’re of that mindset, you’ll have to set aside several months for the search. The process is relatively slow, so you’ll need time to find the right girlfriend. In an ideal world, you should be retired or have a remote job to get the most out of offline dating.
2. Join events and communities
Like in your own country, people in Thailand, Ukraine, and Colombia organize speed dating and similar events. If you understand the local language, you can easily find groups that organize these events. Furthermore, you might also find matchmakers to point you in the right direction.
Alternatively, you can join various communities. Going salsa dancing, yoga, or free climbing are all good ways to meet foreigners. Even if you don’t understand the local language, there’s a good chance you’ll find someone who likes you.
3. Increase friend circle
Another good option is to hook up with expats living in the country. These meetings are usually closed-type, but after a while, you might create meaningful relationships. Eventually, some of your buddies might hook you up with the locals.
If you don’t mind a bit more aggressive approach, you can strike up a conversation with unknown people in pubs and cafes. All in all, keep your eyes open to new opportunities and interact with people as much as you can.
Wrapping Up
The process of finding a foreign wife can be quite convoluted. Then again, this is something to be expected, given the implications. These ladies just want to find the right opportunity and will take their time sifting through available opportunities.
As a foreigner, you can choose between online and offline dating. Using dating sites might require less work, but the process can drag out. On the other hand, in-person dating might be rough logistically, but it will help you find your perfect lady much more easily.