Bronx Beer Hall Brunch: A Taste of the Good Life
Pat enjoys his classic southern chicken and waffles while Caitlyn smiles with her omelette and potatoes. (Patrick Hood and Caitlyn Leterii/The Fordham Ram)
September 22, 2016
By Patrick Hood and Caitlyn Leterii

Join Caitlyn Letterii and Patrick Hood, a couple of brunch-loving star-belly sneetches, as they explore and critique the cheap eats available around the Bronx and Rose Hill campus.
Most Fordham students (those who are of age anyway) know the Bronx Beer Hall on Arthur Avenue for its bustling happy hours, craft brew selections and wild karaoke and trivia nights. However, few are aware that it moonlights (or should we say daylights!) as a bougie brunch spot every Sunday morning, with food fashioned by Mike’s Deli. To get to the bottom of this gastronomical mystery, as well as some bottomless mimosas, Sweet ‘n’ Sour went to check it out.
CL: Brunch has long been an important aspect of my young, millennial life, but I had yet to give the Bronx Beer Hall brunch a try. Needless to say, I was excited and ready to see how this Fordham favorite fared at this storied American tradition.
PH: I love brunch as much as the next schmoe, but here I must tip my hat to my partner because no one has eaten more brunch than her.
CL: Aw shucks, Pat. You’re making me blush! But it’s true, I’m an unapologetic brunch-aholic, and I’m not quitting any time soon.
PH: We were quickly seated by our lovely waitress because, while a popular spot at night, the BBH brunch is a little more underground. As long as you get there early on Sunday, you should not have much of a problem finding a table for you and your brunch brethren.
CL: For the uninitiated, the Bronx Beer Hall is nestled inside the Arthur Avenue Market. If you need to buy any combination of meats, cheeses, cigars or graphic t-shirts, this is the spot for you! If you are looking for a quiet place to brunch with your gals, maybe you should give this a pass. However, if you’re in the market for a lively spot to gib and gab amongst the hustle and bustle, then you should check it out!
PH: I would recommend buying one of the hilarious graphic tees and wearing it throughout your brunch as an exciting conversation starter! Nothing says “I have interesting things to contribute” like a t-shirt with a Godfather Part II quote!
CL: For drinks we decided to pull a 2007 Britney Spears and go bottomless. That’s right folks, unending white sangria (for moi) and mimosas (for Pat) for two whole hours.
PH: You know Caitlyn, I never had you pegged as much of a booze hound.
CL: Well you know I’ve changed ever since my 21st birthday when I took that felt-making class. I’m a new woman!
PH: The mimosas were delicious, especially the third one. Though it’s kind of hard to screw up champers and OJ, am I right?
CL: Oh you’re right. The white sangria was quite tasty, if a bit strong. The fruits were a zesty addition to the beverage, except that for some reason the apple slices tasted like medicine.
PH: Good medicine or bad medicine?
CL: Just like Bon Jovi’s love life, it was bad medicine. For my brunch plate, I chose an egg white vegetable omelette accompanied by a cinnamon raisin roll and hash brown patties. The omelet, if a bit bland, was overall a heart-healthy success. The real star of the plate was the roll which came out of left field to dazzle my taste buds. The hash browns were serviceable.
PH: Since I am a Southern boy at heart, I could not resist ordering the classic soul food entree of chicken and waffles. I was eager to see how BBH put their own Bronx spin on this iconic meal.
CL: And how did it measure up, Pat?
PH: The chicken was delicious and ended up carrying the dish as the waffles, while good at holding syrup, were a bit blasé. Overall, it was a good rendition of an old favorite of mine, except for the fact that it was tainted by a bed of bitter radicchio leaves which threatened to make each bite taste like vinegar soil.
CL: Zoinks! So are you ready to give your Official Sweet ‘n’ Sour Rating Patrick?
PH: Yes ma’am! With my belly full of fried chicken, maple syrup and five or six or seven mimosas, I can say resolutely that the food and fare at the BBH brunch is up to snuff for all your basic brunch needs. With its convenient location on Arthur Avenue, it definitely ranks above fancier brunch spots in Manhattan or Brooklyn. Aside from the terrible, terrible radicchio and the somewhat expensive prices I had a wonderful time, and so I give the BBH Brunch a Sweet Rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars!
CL: I completely agree! Wow! My meal may not have been the most exciting on Earth but was worth the price. The service was exceptional, thanks in part to our blonde bombshell of a waitress and the atmosphere made for a lively afternoon out on the town! I also give the brunch a Sweet Rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. It may have been a little pricey compared to other spots in the Bronx, but it is actually on-par, if not cheaper than the average brunch spot in Manhattan or Brooklyn. Why not think local first!
Overall Recommendations:
If you’re of age you should try bottomless drinks. We also recommend the chicken and waffles and the cinnamon raisin roll. We also have it on good authority that the french toast is fine.
Stay away from any and all radicchio.
General Info:
The Bronx Beer Hall
Address: 2344 Arthur Ave, Bronx, NY 10458 (Inside the Arthur Avenue Market)
Phone number: 347-396-0555
Brunch Hours: 11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Price: Moderate (A little bourgeoisie)
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